Sunday, January 19, 2014


i think i'm having my PMS ._.
i can feel it! damn period is coming hahaha.
my mood swings like shit.

and soooooooo
what the hell.
how could this happened hahaha i know right
but dont worry! they are happy tears.

Sis wechat me yesterday and told me what she and aunty bought for me.
i am always that happy when sis or aunty find me or contact me.
because i know they care of me no matter what had happen.
yay i got lotsa green tea match snacks from JAPAN!
i am a happy girl! yeepie jump jump! hehehehe
but i is saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
no tokyo banana. sis said she went all over the places in osaka to find tokyo banana for me
*touched* at the end she found it in the airport and when she was going to pay, only she realised the expiry date is 27 jan which i wont be back by then yet.
so she frustratingly put back the tokyo banana.
sorry sis! i made you find the tokyo banana just because of me. TT
but i love you hehe
thoughts that count right. i feel like i had eaten the tokyo banana. hehe.
and she bought me maxi dress.
i is happy girl again! ( i like to use I IS, because it sounds cuter hehe)
*jump jump*
cant wait to see sis and aunty.
and then aunty talked to me awhile>< i really miss them!


then i randomly asked them "we can still be very goooooood right even i'm not anyone in the family already?"
sis answered me "of course! see, even now you're not with him anymore i still keep in touch with you what"
me " thank you sis! i love you all!!"
sis " gam dong ka hao lor wo men xian za" (my tears streamed down automatically after hearing that)
aunty " 不要紧 不能做媳妇 我收你做干女儿" (wtf cry more)
(cry again while typing.)

haha PMS PMS.sorry sorry. but im also a borned-crying baby too haha.

............................................ and blabla
the rest is not important haha
this part of conversation matters the most to me.
thats why i always say, the best thing i get out from the past relationship is them, my 2nd family.
exclude him ._.
they love me so much care of me so much take care of me so much
they just feel like my family!
even though we dont really contact everyday but i know they love me.
hehe i dont mind being part of the family. as in siblings and daughter of them.

刚才 阿jie wechat 我 我就奇怪是不是还有什么事要我帮忙
哪里知道 开起来听 是静涵 哈哈
她在那边喊 舒婷姐姐 你在哪里
过后阿jie 就拿过去电话 告诉我 是静涵自己打开然后wechat 我
她尽然认得我 还记得我的名 她还记得我 太开心le !
而且 阿jie 还说她姐姐问静涵在乱乱压什么
静涵尽然回答 是舒婷姐姐来的!
然后 videocall 我
最经典的是 静涵尽然问我 你的叔叔勒? 我有一点吓倒 不知道怎么回答 哈哈 毕竟是小孩嘛
然后阿jie 就说我不要叔叔了 有新的男朋友了 好一个解围 ._.
静涵又问我 你的新男朋友呢 我就说他出去了

回去时 希望我可以有能力带她出去走走了

this quote runs into my mind-

OHANA means famiy.
Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
- Lilo & Stitch.

With Love,
Sue Ting

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