Tuesday, October 12, 2010


unpredictable unexplainable
as we grow up, we can see changes of everyone
we might see and feel: oh he/she's so happy and perfect/ she's so pretty/ she's so rich/ he's so clever and capable/ etc.
many things which we might admire or envy
but then dont you ever think sometimes others might feel the same way too from us?
human's wont be satisfied with what they or we really have and own
because we human are borned to be demanding.
there wont be an end ryte
we just keep demanding
perhaps, in other words, demanding can make us improve =)
yes somehow, there's a limit which we should not step out
for instance, we demand, so we do things illegally or badly.these arent good for anyone at all.

yes, i believe, i changed, he changed, you changed, she changed, they changed, everyone changed
for sure, what makes us change?
everything we went through made what we are today
no matter it's good or bad, i believe it's a lesson, guidance or maybe a road which lead to a better way =)
open your heart and mind, step out form the circle, everything is just fine depending on your own perspective, there's no dead end, just a new path to go on.
things wont stay, but become memories
what is memories - things that are worth to be kept deeply and endlessly.
it's awesome to have memories
regrets are part of our life too
who dont have any regrets left behind?
stand out and talk to me ryte now!
yes, i have many regrets
but i learn from regrets.regrets give us lessons which made us today
without regrets, HUMAN dont really make sens ryte, LIFE dont really make sense ryte
well, learn from regrets. and try not to leave any regrets behind.
if there is, dont get upset, move on.
there are still lotsa goodies waiting for us to reach
reach upon the stars man.
bye regrets, it's time to let go. regrets will be a part of my memories.

different people have different life
different people go through different things
different people have different belief and perspective in the way of dealing matter
just simply because everyone is made to be unique
you ccant find another he or she in this world.
thats why different people are special in their own way
dont look down on people, because you aint who.
dont feel jealous of others, because you are a somebody too.
just everyone have different life to go.
it's impossible to have the same life with others
he/she is perfect or good in some aspect, so do i.
i am imperfect some aspect which i hate it, so do others.
just in different aspect different thingy.
he/she/they got what we/i dont have, but we/i got what they dont have
get a life!

people come people go,
so easy come easy go
peoples,memories,regrets,scenarios etc are what made us today!
in the other way round, things that happen in the future are what made you in the future!
so come on!!!
be proud of what you are today
you are what you deserve to be
with an open heart and mind, get a life
balancing is important, no matter in your heart, soul, body or wtv.
make sure you dont collapse ma


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