Wednesday, May 23, 2012

oh look who's back!

hi everyone, ze blogger is back!
it's really been AWHILE.
well i know. life's been too busy i suppose. :)
where did i stop from my last post? * thinking hard* oh yes, my final.
wow. that's like 8 months ago? oh yes, lazy bump.

what to update?
after finals, then sure was theeeeeee BIG HOLIDAY
before 2011 ended, I
had an awesome birthday.
went to GuangZhou with ma family.

beginning of 2012 (hooray!), AWESOME
Chinese New Year.
Interior Design short course which started on feb anddddd going to end on 7th june.-.- i know i'm so late to tell :)

nooooooooooooo.half a year is gone!
in a real blink of an eye.
4 months of short course is coming to an end.
=( so fast so soon.
another chapter to begin in overseas.
it's somehow great.
i've experienced A LOT.
if my stories are to be written into a novel, i bet there will be lotsa chapters.

define life:
when you're happy, you'll say AWESOME;
when you're sad, you'll go FML, SUCKS.
when you're consoling youreself, encouraging yourself to be positive, you'll say THERE'S UPS AND DOWNS IN LIFE, THIS IS LIFE and the etc.

T R U E.
so i shall conclude,
Life is unpredictable!

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