Monday, October 24, 2011

A or B ?

halo again!
what i've been up to?
i'm busy busy busy busy..... busy like a bee bee bee

lately keep thinking of the stupid confusing study abroad thingy.
argh.. i hate to choose. i want all! i want perfect one can?
i know's impossible.
only one made to be made and that's tough!
i got dilemma in choosing ya know. and seriously, i dont know what to choose.
i want uk, i want melbourne, i want perth, i want queensland, i want US and what else?
to make it easy, i want ALL.
the date is so so so so so near and i have to make my decision asap like now!
but i cant ;( pathetic.
what i can do now is, apply all possible univerisities first then only choose.haha
that is what dad told me too.hahaha
at least i feel better.can put aside this dumb ass thingy.
but it will come back to me soon too.
oh shit, what am i talking?
and i dont feel like going know why?
because the procedure is so so so so troublesome.
need this need that.need letter, need go here go there, need application fees somemore. if dont want still have to go for a skype interview to show or make them feel you're true serious applicants.i will just give the fees if it's cheap lol and if i'm true serious applicant hahaha.i'm just trying to apply and broaden my choices haha!
argh argh argh.kick ass.
hope to finish up these annoying procedures asap.
and it's a lot! as i'm applying quite a lot, i guess.

god bless me please.
i want the perfect choice!
maybe a dream with a lot of hints to me?
haha.i would certainly like it!
dream on, yes i know.
it's on my own!
prepare for the upcoming challenges and i know i can make it!
lst rocks 0oo0! :)

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