hey yo peeps
guess those who are really concerning me would have viewed my blog for like thousand times?
nehh i mean once they online? haha
perhaps perhaps.
thanks yoz.X)
really appreciate.
wondering what happen to me and him lately due to those status and post on fb?
aite. there are argues and problems popping out from nowhere lately =(
frustrating to deal with argues and problems! i hate it! i bet no one likes it :S
but we moved on as in we overcome those problems.
TRUST and COMMUNICATION are important to maintain a relationship guys!
never felt this damn true until what had happened.
we both were like BOMB exploded! spill everything out from top to toe.LOL
previously, at a particular time, we both kept tahan this and that, thought all of the tahans are nothing big deal this and that.
but when we started to argue due to a little thing, yesh it's like WOW. we scold out everything.we just tell whatever we had tahan. NOT GOOD AT ALL.
continuously fought for days. once started to talk, DIE la.==
it's been a hard time for us.sigh.
but for now, everything is settled. at least for now. hope nothing serious happen anymore *fingers-crossed* =)
sorry for what i did.
sorry for not thinking of you
sorry for not considering you
sorry for being so rude
sorry for being so uh-seh
sorry for forgetting you
sorry for being so selfish
so sorry hehe apologies accepted aite? ;P
his recent status all copied from my blog article
felt so bad seeing those words again, and it's my words, to him.
reminding me how good and sweet we used to be.
sorry for forgetting what we had gone through and intended to break up at first.
selfish me ;(
you reminded me, you reminded me how precious and how hard to strengthen this relationship.
it's me, i have been trying so hard putting so much effort in this relationship; and now,
it's me, i wanted to give up us first.
couples will get tired, i know.
we have extra responsibilities on us.
should i say that's a burden? haha. XD
but yesh, you reminded me, not to give up so easily.
i used to not give up but try hard! haha
we have gone through goods and bads, clouds and sunshine.. what else?
i wish to really let our relationship get stable.
i thought it was, but it is not.
hope it will be stable so soon.
i got many things to focus on!
studies, overseas thingy, dreams... this and that
i hope one day our relationship is what that supports us, give us strength in pursuing our dreams and success, but not troubling us, giving more stress and problems to solve.
i hope this one day will be very soon!
btw, where to go next year?
aus or uk?
i wanna go us if there's a choice.
no matter how, i will apply us uni!
just give a damn! fail or not, at least i've tried! hahahahaha
preparing for finals these days.
final starts on next monday!
i hate!
but ends on thursday morning! i likey!
going back on friday night!
one month sem break~!
many things can be done!
gonna play hard
stop right here k?
bye everyone!
wish me luck in my dumb ass finals!
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