不是不喜欢写英文 只是真的比较喜欢写华语
不是妒忌你的英文 你的英文不管好不好 都好 可是太做作就真的几好也每人喜欢
有麝自然香 何必当风立
okay sorry i sound sooooo aunty here.
i know i'm auntie enough but i just cant stop being so auntie -.-
what i said memang FACT!
i just cant tahan sorry. dont you find it annoying?
yes i m sure you do.
finally Diversity Ball ended beautifully yest night.
it's really a great night again, after SEA night.
2nd time representing Malaysian Society (MSOC) performing.
i'm so honoured :)
although malaysia somehow sucks (this was what i used to think before coming here, and still is), malaysia somehow rocks which i never realised untill i came here.
when everyone is so far away from home, we are all in one.
we are like a big family.
some friends just randomly asked how can we malaysians being so united.
the proud feeling, which i cant ever forget.
apart from all the complicated politics and wtv it is, malaysia is still a good place
some might just questioned, why am i having all of these lame thoughts.-.-
which they might expect me to be like yea uk is better, i hate malaysia etc......................................
but trust me, come here and you'll know and feel what i feel right nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
maybe those who are studying abroad will understand what i feel and what im saying nowwww.
come, let's make MALAYSIA improve together!
patriotic nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
we have to, i really mean it.... if only i have the ability -.-
one month of dance practice just passed like this.
one night of performance just finished like this.
now what's left and whats coming next?
MACFIS event on the 9th which is next sat
2 coursework + presentation due on the 15th
1 quiz on 21st
anddddddd 30th of march, end of 2nd term.
ya hoooooooo!
gonna work harderrrrrr yo.
cant wait to go back malaysia yo.
see you guys back in malaysia yo.
im going to shower yo.
bye yo.